The Japan Society Lectures: Tokyo Rose: The Fascinating Life of Iva Toguri (2021年10月28日)

The lecture was a discussion of a new musical by the Burnt Lemon Theatre Company, Tokyo Rose. Focusing on Toguri Iva/Ikuko who broadcast in English to American troupes. She was, essentially, tricked into revealed herself after journalists offered money for an exclusive interview. She was then arrested and was the seventh person to be tried and convicted for treason. Though she was eventually pardoned in 1977 by then-US president, Gerald Ford.

Moderated by Bill Emmott, the main speakers were Tanya Agarwal, the producer, and Maryhee Yoon, the lyricist. The theatre company has a focus on amplifying women’s stories, especially unknown ones.

“The fact that it was true meant this was a story we had to tell.” Agarwal explained, as well as sharing some of the sources for the musical, including one of Toguri’s surviving friends and the book 1979 book Tokyo Rose: Orphan of the Pacific

The talk also discussing the issues of being a small troupe with limited stage space, as well as the cast playing multiple roles and an all-female cast, which reminded me to mention the parallels with the famed Takarazuka Revue. Tanya also commented on the importance of east-Asian stories, especially in the wake of COVID-related hate crimes focused on Chinese and other Asian people.

There was some practical discussion of the how’s and whys of pitching a musical, as well as the budget, funding and time commitments. The show has been traveling around the country, with Birmingham being the last stop on their current tour. There has apparently been some interest by producers, as well as to the States and possibly producing a radio play which is quite apt given the subject matter.

There wasn’t much discussion on Toguri Iva herself, except for a brief bio/introduction at the beginning but I attended this lecture as someone as with an new-found liking for musical but also curiosity about the subject. I’d never heard of Toguri Iva or the concept of ’Tokyo Rose’ so it was quite fascinating, especially when the speakers showed the trailer for the production (there’s also a soundtrack/cast album on all major streaming services, allowing people who cannot see the production, to at least listen to parts of it.)

Tokyo Rose is showing at the Birmingham Hippodrome tonight through Saturday 30th October 2021.


Spiritual Heritage and Sacred Places (2021年11月9日)


Heritage, Defining the Japanese and Discovering the Ainu