Demiverse: A Campaign Setting for 5e & ‘Those Who Wander’

I said this would be an academic blog but, now and again, I get involved with fun projects and just want to share!

Back in the Before-Times, a dear friend pinged me with an opportunity, a campaign creator was looking for a guide dog owner who had a familiarity with D&D who could help them create an item for visual impaired people who wanted to roleplay but needed an animal companion.

Here’s what they came up with:


I ended up creating an Heirloom item for a fantasy setting and when Adam (the mind behind TWW) announced his next project, Demiplane, I pinged him a pitch and was accepted onto the team.

So, he’s just launched a Kickstarter campaign (fully funded too!). I’d tell you about Cathad but I’m a stretch-goal so will wait until he’s announced we’ve unlocked the goal before going into more detail. However, if you’re looking for a 5e D&D-style campaign but also happened to have a health condition or disability, then you really do want to check this out.

UPDATE: Not only did Demiverse fully fund, it raised $16,879 with 501 backers AND Cathad unlocked!


Iconography For Beginners — Kannon Bosatsu (UEA 1193) and Amida Buddha (UEA 1158)


MA Classical Studies — Dissertation Reflections I